Facebook Pixel, is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your ads by understanding actions that your customers take such as: adding an item to basket or making a purchase. You can view these actions and reach those customers again with Facebook ads in the future...

Create custom ads
Dynamic ads help you show your products to your store visitors automatically after they see products related to yours.
Measure conversions
See how powerful and impactful your ads are across different devices and smoothly all possible conversions and links.
Event manager page
Ensure that your ads are shown to customers who are more likely to make a purchase based on their understanding and exposure of events.

App permissions

Basic Information
Read only
(0 )
(0 )
(0 )
(0 )
(0 )
Customer Ratings
5 out of 5
183 Customer Ratings

Reviews (183)

بيت العودة
بيت العودة

بيت العودة has rated this app 5 out of 5

عبايات دعجاء
عبايات دعجاء
2 days ago

عبايات دعجاء has rated this app 5 out of 5

6 days ago

SuperPets has rated this app 3 out of 5

10 days ago

غيمة has rated this app 5 out of 5

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