Our company covers all phases of your supply chain from the moment in which (goods) leave our warehouse to suppliers or factories until the moment it reaches retailers or customers.

Basic Services:

  1. Logistic...

Shipping Support Options

  • Delivery Service Type
    • Regular
    • Express
    • Same Day
    • Next Day
    • Within five (5) Days
    • From two (2) to seven (7) days
  • Shipping Coverage Area
    • Domestic
    • International
  • Company’s Type
    • Fulfillment
    • Shipment and Delivery
  • Shipping Services
    • Packaging
    • Cash on Delivery
    • Storage
    • Instance Shipping
Service Covering
We provide Express services to the major cities and particular remote areas within Saudi Arabia for light and heavy shipment (Last-Mile/Linehaul Services)
Deliver care at Promised Time
Shipments are handled by trained expertise with tremendous supervision, to ensure the safety of the shipment and undergoes the supply chain without delay to ensure the delivery is completed within the committed time.
Service Quality
Our services are focused on efficiency and consistency as we aim on customizing them to your needs  and our prices are competitive.

App permissions

Basic Information
Read only
Read and Write
Read and Write
(0 )
(0 )
(0 )
(0 )
(0 )
Customer Ratings
4 out of 5
8 Customer Ratings

Reviews (8)

بسبوسة سدن
بسبوسة سدن
a month ago

رائع جدا

ناين كير جملة الصيدليات ومنتجات العناية
ناين كير جملة الصيدليات ومنتجات العناية
2 months ago

شركة مميزة ومن افضل مايمكن واشكر مدير حسابنا الاستاذ حاتم العنزي من خيرة الشباب العاملين بالشركة

متجر ريتاج بيوتى
متجر ريتاج بيوتى
3 months ago

متجر ريتاج بيوتى has rated this app 5 out of 5

7 months ago

Very good

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